Over the years, there have been many calls for drainage improvement to tackle the flash flood problems. The government has implemented a few schemes to help with the flash flood problems. These usually include the widening and deepening of the drains, raising road I low-lying area as well as constructing drains and tidal gates at rivers and reservoirs.
Information about the water level in drains are vital in order to implement such schemes. A comprehensive automated real-time water level monitoring system that records the activity in the drains and sends out pre-set alerts to users when the water level in the drains reaches a particular level. This will allow authority to monitor and carry out flood risk assessment and post flood analysis as well as take necessary action to improve the drainage system and reduce the flash flood occurrences.
A real-time online continuous monitoring system, i.e. CCTV system is another schemes for monitoring stormwater flow and facilitate drainage maintenance works.
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