Geotechnical Engineering Design
Hong S. H., Chong S. S. and Barallas R. C. (2019). A finite element study of an excavation not amendable to geometric simplification. 1st Malaysian Geotechnical Society and Geotechnical Society of Singapore Conference, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Zhao X.B., Zhu J.B., Zhao J. and Cai J.G. (2012). Study of wave attenuation across parallel fractures using propagator matrix method. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Method in Geomechanics, Volume 36, Issue 10, pp 1264-1279.
Lee F.H., Hong S. H., Gu Q., Zhao P. (2011). Application of large three-dimensional finite-element analyses to practical problems. International Journal of Geomechanics, Volume 11, No. 6, pp 529-536.
Hong S.H., Chong S.S., Chua R. and Low M.W. (2009). Risk/impact assessment for slopes in NUS campus. Slope Stability and Structural Inspection organised by Building and Construction Authority, Singapore.
Hong S.H., Sinha A.N., Chua R. and Low M.W. (2008). Risk/impact assessment and management system for slopes in NUS campus. Structural Inspection and Rectification of Buildings organised by Building and Construction Authority, Singapore.
Zhao X.B., Zhao J., Cai J.G. and Hefny A.M. (2008). UDEC modelling on wave propagation across fractured rock masses. Computers and Geotechnics, Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 97-104.
Tan G.H., Loh C.K. and Brownjohn J.M (2006). Improving Instrument Data Quality from Excavation sites to the Right person to make the Right Decision at the Right Time. International Conference and Exhibition on Tunneling and Trenchless Technology, Malaysia.
Loh C.K. (2005). Certificate in Geotechnical Instrumentation for Supervisors Course. Training Notes for Construction Industry Training Institute, Building Construction Authority, Singapore.
Hong S.H., Lee F.H. and Yong K.Y. (2003). Three-dimensional pile-soil interaction in soldier-piled excavation. Computers and Geotechnics Journal Volume 30, Issue 1, pp 81-107.
Cai J.G. and Zhao J. (2002). Effects of fracture shear behaviour and strength on S-wave attenuation across single fractures, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
Cai J.G., Zhao J. and Zhao X.B. (2002). Dynamic model of fracture normal behaviour and application to prediction of stress wave transmission across fractures – Part B: Application, International Journal of Rock mechanics and Mining Sciences.
Shang Y.J., Cai J.G., Hao W.D., Wu X.Y. and Li S.H. (2002). Intelligent back analysis of displacements using precedent type analysis for tunnelling. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 17, Issue 4, pp 381-389.
Zhao J. and Cai J.G. (2002). Dynamic model of fracture normal behaviour and application to prediction of stress wave transmission across fractures – Part A: Empirical dynamic model, International Journal of Rock mechanics and Mining Sciences.
Coutts D.R., Wang J. and Cai, J.G. (2001). Monitoring and analysis of results for two strutted deep excavations using vibrating wire strain gauges, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 16, Issue 2, pp.87-92.
Cai J.G., Zhao J. and Hudson J. (1998). Computerization of rock engineering systems using neural networks with an expert system. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Volume 31, pp 135–152.
Hong S.H., Lee F.H. and Yong K.Y. (1998). Modelling of soldier pile and timber lags retaining system in three dimensional excavation. 8th KKNN Seminar, Singapore.
Loh, C.K., Tan, T.S. and Lee, F.H. (1998). Three dimensional excavation test. Proc. Centrifuge 98. Ed. T. Kimura, O. Kusakabe & J. Takemura. pp 649-654.
Loh C.K., Tan T.S., Yong K.Y. and Wee T.H. (1998) An experimental studies on bleeding and channelling of cement paste and mortar. Journal of Advances in Cement Research, Volume 10, No. 1, pp 1 –16.
Tan T.S., Loh C.K., Yong K.Y. and Wee T.H. (1997). Modelling of bleeding of cement paste and mortar. Journal of Advances in Cement Research, Volume 9, No. 34, pp 75-91.
Underground Infrastructure and Space Utilization
Grasbakken E.M., Hong S.H., Lu M., Lam K.P. and Chan B. (2012). Conceptual Design of Underground Warehouse and Logistics in Singapore. Proceedings of the 13th World Conference of ACUUS: Advances in Underground Space Development, ACUUS 2012, Singapore, pp 350.
Holmoy K.H., Moe H.L., Grasbakken E.M., Cai J.G., Lam K.P. and Chan B. (2012) Conceptual design of underground landfills in Singapore. Proceedings of the 13th World Conference of ACUUS: Advances in Underground Space Development, ACUUS 2012, Singapore, pp 348-349.
Concept and Feasibility Studies
Hong S.H., Cai J.G., Lu M., Grasbakken E.M., Lam K.P. and Chan B. (2013). “Safe haven” concept of fire safety design for complex cavern system situated in rocks. Proceedings of the 13th World Conference of ACUUS: Advances in Underground Space Development, ACUUS 2012, Singapore, pp 108-110.
Zhou Y., Cai J.G. and Sterling R. (2012). Advances in Underground Space Development. Proceedings of the 13th World Conference of ACUUS: Advances in Underground Space Development, ACUUS 2012, Singapore, 390pp.
Zhao J. and Cai J.G. (2009). Planning and architectural considerations of underground science city in Singapore. Proceedings of 12th International Conference of the Associated Research Centers for Urban Underground Space, ACUUS 2009, Shenzhen, China, pp 127-132.
Zhao J., Chen C.N. and Cai J.G. (2002). A hydrogeological study of the Sembawang hot spring in Singapore. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment Volume 61, Issue 1, pp 59–71.
Zhao J., Cai J.G. & Hefny A.M. (2001). Creation of the Underground Science City in rock caverns below the Kent Ridge Park in Singapore, Geotechnical Engineering Monograph 4, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 116pp.
Zhao J., Lee K.W., Choa V., Liu Q. & Cai J.G. (1999). Underground cavern development in the Jurong Formation of sedimentary rocks, Geotechnical Engineering Monograph 2, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 100pp.
Water and Environment
Tan, C.H. and Ng, H.Y. (2013). Revised external and internal concentration polarization models to improve flux prediction in forward osmosis process. Desalination, Volume 309, pp 125-140.
Tan, C.H., Lefebrvre, O., Zhang, J., Ng H.Y. and Ong , S.L. (2012). Membrane processes for desalination: Overview. Membrane Technology and Environmental Applications. Edited by Tian C. Zhang, Roa Y. Surampalli, Saravanamuthu Vigneswaran, R. D. Tyagi, Say Leong Ong and C. M. Kao. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Tan, C.H., Zhang, J.Y., Lee, L.Y., Duan, W., Ong, S.L., Ng, H.Y. (2010). Treatment of domestic wastewater using a hybrid forward osmosis membrane bioreactor (FO-MBR) process for water reclamation. 19th KAIST-KU-NTU-NUS Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Kyoto, Japan.
Tan, C.H., Ng, H.Y. (2010). A novel hybrid forward osmosis – nanofiltration for seawater desalination: Draw solution selection and system configuration. Desalination and Water Treatment, Volume 13,Issue 1-3, pp 356-361.
Tan, C.H., Ng, H.Y. (2009). A novel hybrid forward osmosis – nanofiltration (FO-NF) process for seawater desalination: Draw solution selection and system configuration. 5th IWA Specialist Membrane Technology Conference for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Beijing, China.
Tan, C.H., Ng, H.Y. (2009). A novel hybrid forward osmosis – nanofiltration process for seawater desalination: Evaluation of draw solution and energy consumption. 3rd IWA ASPIRE conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Tan, C.H., Ng, H.Y. (2008). Modeling of external and internal concentration polarizaiton effect on flux behaviour of forward osmosis. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, Volume 8, Issue 5, pp 533-539.
Tan, C.H., Ng, H.Y. (2008). Modeling of concentration polarization effect on flux behaviour of forward osmosis. IWA World Water Congress, Vienna, Austria.
Tan, C.H. and Ng, H.Y. (2008). Modified models to predict flux behavior in forward osmosis in consideration of external and internal concentration polarizations. Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 324, pp 209-219.