The Murnane Pipeline is a 22km-long water pipe designed to meet future water demand in the city area. The construction works commenced on 2016 and the project is scheduled to complete in 2021.
The project involves single and twin 1600mm Diameter Pipeline construction using open trench, pipe jacking and 4000mm diameter TBM tunnelling from Murnane Reservour bored tunnelling methods from Murnane Reservoir in Bukit Timah to Maxwell Road.
The pipeline is mostly below the carriageway and nearby road facilities and structures such as Keppel Viaduct and Singapore River. The pipeline is undercrossing MRT structures such as East West Line between Tiong Bahru/ Red Hill Station, North-East line between Outram/ Harbourfront Station. The project requires extensive coordination and design submissions to authorities such as URA, LTA, SLA and NParks to secure the pipeline alignment. Also during the constructin stage, extensive coordination carried out to ensure the smooth interfacing with other projects such as DTSS2, MRT Circle Line and MRT Thomson Line Projects.
Civil / Structural Engineering Design
Project and Construction Management